Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Life is weird in a way that, well, I could tell you but you already know. Like the Glow, sought by Bruce Leroy, I deploy probes into the depths of my thoughts that destroy doubt. I am random, in a since, but since it's my paper and pen, and my thoughts reside within, I figured I could burn incense and reminisce about times of innocence.

Too much? Fine, I'll simplify...

"Roses are red, and..."

Wait, this isn't me! I refuse to slow down progress so you can process my prowess! Children will be left behind so I've taken out the carseats on this journey through the mind. It takes time to align thoughts and devise plots of conquest unless your tactics are on par. Lest you fall victim to the monotony of Monopolies. Your mind isn't Free Parking so unless you're trying to go to Jail or take that long walk, invest time in to yourself and make your way from Baltic to Boardwalk.


  1. Whoa I like this one deep wouldn't suit this more like intellectually enlightening.

  2. I would have to agree. Very strong. For some reason, this reminds me of my first day in college, and one of my professors had told our class flat out that we wouldn't pass her class. Underlying the fact that, her class isn't for everybody. Such is the mind, not everyone can fully understand the mind, let alone a single individual's.
